Saturday Morning Designer Alley

Here is a more in depth look at the designers and games being shown on Saturday morning in Designer Alley!

Saturday March 7th:

10 AM:

  • Table A: R. Eric Reuss showing SCIENCE! or DIE

SCIENCE! or DIE is a real time, dexterity, spatial co-operative game played in just 15 minutes. You will be designing curses using cards then trying to build your curses out of blocks. If a curse is to difficult you can always redesign it, but the clock is ticking!

  • Table B: Jason Greeno showing Starforge

Starforge each player starts with an asymmetrical faction of constructible ships made from custom acrylic game pieces. In the center of the table is a row of location cards that can be conquered and mined for resources. Through their choice of tactics, and how they build their ships, the players can battle and outwit their opponent, achieving victory by command points, resource capture or enemy destruction.

  • Table C: Buy the Vote

Buy The Vote: Easy to learn, quick to play, loads of fun! "Buy the Vote!" is a quick 15-minute blind betting game where players pretend to be presidential candidates. It combines both competitive and co-operative play. Although it is easy to learn and quick to play, the game theory is intense. The strategy evolves quickly as players try to outbid each other and adapt their strategy.

  • Table D: Robert Johnson showing Carnival Fare

Carnival Fare:  is a card game about running carnival snack stands.  The players draft Snack cards to put in their shops and then sell them to waiting customers when the shops open.


Cascadia is a tile laying, token drafting game featuring the habitats of the Pacific Northwest’s wildife.

Players will be trying to create a harmonious ecosystem and habitat through a unique dual-layer puzzle that changes as you play.

Gridlock Boston is a competitive board game for 2-4 players about driving around the city where the roads don't make any sense and they're always under construction. 

  • Table C: Ray Miller showing Deli Duel

Deli Duel  is a fast, friendly, family-style game where players are Sandwich Specialists in a race to assemble a plethora of scrumptious sandwiches before time runs out.  

  • Table D: Jeff Black and Josh Black showing Rushmore! Let’s Get Rocked

Rushmore! Let’s Get Rocked is a card based game with a mild take-that element that is designed for kids and families to play together.


Corey Andalora


Badges, Lanyards and Environmental Stewardship